The EAE Game Lecture Series Presents:
Title: Tales From the User Research Crypt
Speaker: Kelly Boudreau
Date: Dec. 7th, 5-6pm
Location: EAE Games Studio (Building 72, Level 2)
Open to the public
Don’t fancy a career in games user research? Just want to make games!? How a class (or two) on GUR helps you make better games (and be a better game designer & colleague). Drawing on examples big and small, from my (short) time at Electronic Arts Inc to working with games design students, this talk will highlight how user research can help you prevent disasters and solve problems you didn’t even know you had!
Kelly Boudreau is an Assistant Professor of Interactive Media Theory & Design at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology where she teaches Games User Research, Game Analysis, and other interactive media related classes. She worked at Electronic Arts Inc, Montreal as a play-test consultant and moderator many (many!) moons ago, currently researches players, networks, and games.