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EAE Values

EAE affirms these nine core values.  They direct our actions and align our decision-making with the best interests of the EAE community.



We are a community first — one that cares for each person and nurtures respectful and trusting relationships. We find our greatest strengths in teamwork, and instill that value in our teaching, scholarship and service.   We serve our wider community through collaborations across campus and in the world-wide body of game scholars, developers and players.    



We are explorers, navigating the space at the intersection of engineering and art.  Our creative expression reveals new discoveries, and those discoveries enable new expression.   



As game scholars, teachers or developers, we cannot succeed without advancing diverse and inclusive teams where every person’s background brings added strength.  You belong here. 



We strive to give each person, team, or group the support they need to join, to learn, to collaborate, and to succeed. 



We value risky, bold leaps into places where no one has gone before. 



Failure is a welcomed part of our growth. We learn from our failures. Failing fast is how we find the fun. 



Play is present in everything we do: our processes and policies, our curriculum, instruction and mentoring, our scholarship, and our day to day work. 



Through making games, we learn.  Through making games, we teach.  Through making games, we bring change. 



We expect to do remarkable things remarkably well.