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Home Graduate Student Assistantship Program

Graduate Student Assistantship Program

The Entertainment Arts & Engineering Program established a new Student Assistantship Program in 2017 for applicants to the Master of Entertainment Arts and Engineering program. Assistantships will be guaranteed for the duration of the degree program (four semesters) to our top program applicants each year. The number of the assistantships available will fluctuate from year to year. Students selected for one of these positions will receive a partial tuition waiver through the University of Utah's Graduate School Tuition Benefit Program, as well as a stipend paid out through paychecks on a bi-monthly basis.

You can read more about the Tuition Benefit program here:

And for the MEAE tuition rates click here.

You will be able to apply for one of these funded positions once you have submitted an application for admission to the graduate program. Our admissions committee will review applications for funded positions along with applications for admissions, and decisions will be sent out after the application deadline of February 28th, 2021.

Apply for Assistantship

Please note: Students awarded a funded position must meet academic and performance standards throughout their graduate school career. Students who fall below the required criteria may not be allowed to continue in these positions and all future funding associated with those positions will be forfeited.

Please contact Elizabeth Arrigona ( for any additional information.