With over 15 million daily active users video game streaming has a massive impact on communities and the future of the video game industry, yet very few people understand what it is. In the Fall 2019 semester, EAE will offer a new, special topics course intended to be broad survey of video game streaming from analytical critique of the format plus its uses and broad impact, to the practical methods of production, marketing and building an audience.
Students will be assessed through written assignments as well as video recordings of individually produced streams. Students in the class will gain a working knowledge of the practical
implementation of what it takes to create a live stream beginning with pre-production, to production, and finally post-productions.
Professor Gabe Olson will teach the class, which will have both a graduate and undergraduate version. Both courses will be held from 6PM to 9PM on Thursdays. Interested undergraduates should sign up for EAE 4900 section 002. Graduate students interested in the course should sign up for EAE 6900 Section 002.
For more information about how to sign up for this class contact elizabeth@eae.utah.edu.