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Home Prospective Students CS Degree with EAE Emphasis



Offered in conjunction with the School of Computing, a key characteristic of the program is its interdisciplinary nature. As the digital entertainment industry continuously grows, employers are focusing on students who understand both sides of the industry, whether it is computer science students with additional game arts skills, game artists with computing skills, or game producers with varying specializations. This EAE specialization offers cutting edge courses designed for undergraduate students interested in pursuing careers as video game engineers and expressing themselves using digital media, including courses covering video game design and development, 3D animation, and computer-generated special effects, in addition to the full Computer Science curriculum.


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If you are interested in pursuing the BS in Computer Science with a EAE emphasis, we highly recommend meeting with the School of Computing Advisors. You can find their contact information here: View Contact information



___ CS 1030, Foundations of CS (3 hours)
___ CS 1410, Object-Orient Programming (4 hours)
___ CS 2420, Algorithm/Data Structure (4 hours)
___ Math 1210, Calculus I (QR) (4 hours)
___ Math 1220, Calculus II (QR) (4 hours)

Students must complete each of the prerequisite courses with a C or better, and maintain a minimum 3.0 average GPA (overall and within major prerequisite courses) to apply for full major status.


___ Physics 2210, Physics I (4 hours)
___ Math 2270, Linear Algebra (4 hours)
___ CS 3130, Eng Prob & Stats (QI) (3 hours)
___ CS Elective (4 hours)

Students must complete each of the prerequisite courses with a C or better, and maintain a minimum 3.0 average GPA (overall and within major prerequisite courses) to apply for full major status. Elective must be 3+ credits. Accepted: Math, science or engineering courses with Math 1220 as a pre- or co-requisite (See DARS). Biol 1210, Chem 1210 also accepted.
NOT Accepted: CS courses (except CS 3130). Math 2200, Math 3010. Math 2250 not accepted if Math 2270 and/ or Math 2280 are taken. Math 5010 and/or 3070 not accepted if CS 3130/ ECE 3530 is taken.


___ EAE 1050, Digital Content Creation (3 hours)
___ EAE 2100, Intro to Game Design (3 hours)
___ EAE 3010, Asset Pipeline (3 hours)

Students must complete each of the prerequisite courses with a C or better, and maintain a minimum 3.0 average GPA (overall and within major prerequisite courses) to apply for full major status.

Major Requirements:

___ CS 2100, Discrete Structures (3 hours)
___ CS 3500, Software Practice I (4 hours)
___ CS 3505, Software Practice II (3 hours)
___ CS 3810, Computer Organization (QI) (4 hours)
___ CS 4150, Algorithms (QI) (3 hours)
___ CS 4400, Computer Systems (QI) (4 hours)

Students must complete each of the prerequisite courses with a C or better, and maintain a minimum 3.0 average GPA (overall and within major prerequisite courses) to apply for full major status.


___ EAE 3660, Machinima (3 hours)
___ EAE 3710, Traditional Game Development (3 hours)
___ EAE 3720, Serious Game Development (3 hours)


Choose ONE class from each of the FOUR FOCUS AREAS (4 classes total – 12 to 13 hours):

___ AI/Analytics: CS 4300 (AI), CS 5140 (Data Mining),CS 5340 (NLP), CS5350 (Machine Learning) (3 hours)
___ Core/Fundamentals: CS 5150 (Adv Alg), CS 5460 (OS), CS 5470 (Compilers) (3-4 hours)
___ Human Centered Computing: CS 3540 (HCI), CS 4530 (Mobile Apps), CS 4600 (Graphics), CS/EAE 4xxx (Game AI), CS 5650 (Visual Perception) (3 hours)
___ Infrastructure: CS 3470 (Scripting), CS 4440 (Security), CS 4480 (Networking), CS 5530 (Database) (3 hours)

Choose 2 more classes from ANY of the FOCUS AREAS ABOVE (6 to 7 hours):

___ Area Focus Elective (3-4 hours)
___ Area Focus Elective (3-4 hours)


Choose ONE

___ CS 3100, Models of Computation (QI) (3-4 hours)
___ CS 3200, Scientific Computing (3 hours)


___ EAE 4500, Senior Project I (3 hours)
___ EAE 4510, Senior Project II (3 hours)

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Would you like to get paid to go
to grad school and make games?

Learn more about this financial support program and fill out the application for a funded position during your graduate program.

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