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Research Labs & Groups

The Laboratory for Quantitative Experience Design

The Laboratory for Quantitative Experience Design (QED Lab) is an interdisciplinary research group at the University of Utah. We build human-centered artificial intelligence systems in search of invariant properties of experience design: precise relationships that exist between an inner environment (a person’s cognitive states), interface (narrative & game discourse) and outer environment (virtual worlds).

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Liquid Narrative Research Group

Michael Young  is a Professor of Computer Science an Director of the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program at the University of Utah, as well as an adjunct professor of Computer Science at NC State University. He directs the Liquid Narrative research group with students and staff at both institutions. His research focuses on the development of computational models of interactive narrative with applications to computer games, educational and training systems and virtual environments. He has published more than 125 papers in leading conferences and journals in computer games, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, autonomous agents and intelligent user interfaces.

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The Therapeutic Games and Apps (The GApp) Lab

The GApp Lab was founded by Dr. Roger Altizer, and is a collaboration between the Center for Medical Innovation and the Entertainment Arts and Engineering Program. Located in the Eccles Health Sciences Library, this unique facility employs over 35 graduate students and staff who work specifically on medical games and apps in close collaboration with the U of U’s world-class health professionals. This dedicated lab allows students and staff to leverage time and expertise across multiple projects to foster cutting-edge development of games and apps.

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